matematika rekreasi bahasa Inggris
- matematika: mathematics; arithmetic; math; exact science;
- rekreasi: recreation; play; merriment; refreshment;
- rekreasi: recreation; play; merriment; refreshment; playfulness; game; sport; outing; pastime; fun; picnic; field day; ceilidh; frolic; recreational; diversion; amusement; strewing; entertainment
- dadah rekreasi: recreational drug use
- fasilitas rekreasi: recreation facilities
- kendaraan rekreasi: recreational vehicle
- pemancingan rekreasi: recreational fishing
- pusat rekreasi: recreation center
- rekreasi luar: outdoor recreation
- rekreasi telanjang: nude recreation
- untuk rekreasi: recreational
- matematika: mathematics; arithmetic; math; exact science; maths
- berkenaan dengan rekreasi: recreational
- hutan rekreasi sungai udang: sungai udang recreational forest
- rekreasi luar ruangan: outdoor recreation
- The popularity of recreational mathematics is another sign of the pleasure many find in solving mathematical questions.
Kepopularan matematika rekreasi adalah isyarat lain bahwa kegembiraan banyak dijumpai ketika seseorang mampu memecahkan soal-soal matematika.